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  • Writer's pictureJay Judas

Tier One: What You Need to Know About the Gift Tax

Gift-giving is a thoughtful way to express affection, appreciation, and generosity. However, when it comes to substantial gifts, there may be significant tax implications to consider. The federal gift tax is a crucial aspect of estate and financial planning, and understanding how it works can help you make informed decisions.

What is the Gift Tax?

Gifts wrapped with a bow

The gift tax is imposed on the transfer of money, property, or assets from one individual to another without receiving anything in return. It is designed to prevent individuals from giving away their assets to avoid estate taxes and to ensure that the government can still collect taxes on large wealth transfers. While the gift tax can seem complex, it's important to know how it works to plan your financial affairs effectively.

Who Pays the Gift Tax?

In most cases, the donor, or the person giving the gift, is responsible for paying the gift tax. However, there are certain exceptions and rules that determine whether a gift is subject to the gift tax or not

Gift Tax Exemptions:

  1. Annual Exclusion: The annual exclusion is a key feature of the gift tax system. In 2024, an individual will be able to give up to $18,000 per year to any number of recipients without incurring gift tax. This means that you can give gifts of $18,000 or less to as many people as you wish without any tax consequences. If you are married, you and your spouse can each give $18,000, effectively doubling the exclusion.

  2. Lifetime Exemption: In addition to the annual exclusion, there is a lifetime gift tax exemption. In 2024, the lifetime exemption will be $13,610,000 per person, meaning you can give away this amount in excess of the annual exclusion without paying any gift tax. This exemption is also portable for married couples, allowing a combined exemption of $27,220,000.

  3. Medical and Educational Exclusions: Gifts made for someone's medical expenses or tuition payments are generally excluded from gift tax, provided you make the payments directly to the medical or educational institution.

Gift Tax Rates

If you exceed the annual and lifetime exclusion limits, you may be subject to gift tax. In 2023, the gift tax rate is the same as the estate tax rate and can be up to 40% for amounts exceeding the lifetime exemption. It's essential to note that state gift taxes may also apply in some cases, and these rates and exemptions can vary from state to state.

That Gift Could be Expensive

Understanding the federal gift tax is crucial when engaging in financial and estate planning. By being aware of the annual exclusion, lifetime exemption, and potential exclusions for medical and educational expenses, you can make gifts strategically while minimizing your tax liability. If you find yourself in a situation where gift tax may apply, consulting with a qualified estate planning expert or tax professional is advisable to ensure you navigate the complex rules effectively and make informed decisions regarding your financial affairs.

Keep in mind that tax laws are subject to change, so it's important to stay updated with the most recent regulations and consult a tax professional for the latest guidance.

At Life Insurance Strategies Group, LLC, we help our clients make decisions involving complex life insurance matters. We do not sell products, and this permits us to offer independent and unbiased advice.


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